OA Manasota Intergroup
Overeaters Anonymous - Manasota Intergroup #09240


Manasota Intergroup is not affiliated with any other "OA Manasota" listings
other than this site & the links listed on this site.


The Twelve Steps
The Tools of Recovery
The 12 Traditions
The 12 Concepts of OA
How it Works (from AA Big Book)
The Promises

Local Meetings
Manasota Intergroup Information
Our Newsletters
7th Tradition Contributions

Overeaters Anonymous
OA Region 8

7th Tradition Contributions

Our 7th Tradition states, "Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." Please consider making a secure online donation to Manasota Intergroup by clicking the button below.


Click to Donate


If you would like your local group to receive credit for this donation, please indicate the city, day, and time of your meeting on the "Note" line.

Please note: All contributions without the group's specific information in the "Note/Memo" section will be recorded under one combined individual contribution.

To Donate by Check, please make it out to Manasota Intergroup and mail it to:

Manasota Intergroup
c/o Tina Selinsky
1540 21st Street East, #36
Bradenton, FL 34208

Thank you for your 7th Tradition donation! Your contribution helps Manasota Intergroup
carry the message of recovery through the 12 Steps of OA to those who still suffer.

If you or your group want to donate to OA World Service at oa.org or Region 8 at oaregion8.org, please do so directly on their websites.